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seeds I can't get my seeds to germinate?..

Hello people.

I have some problem that is keeping my seeds from sprouting, and i'm clueless to the idea.

There is no mold on the tops.

I have a dome on my seed tray to keep them warm and moist.

They are moist and not wet.

Temperatures are constantly around 82-86 degrees.

I buried them less then 1/8 of an inch from the top.

It's been three weeks.

My humidity level is at 72% with condensation on the lid.

I've had only one of my yellow pod 7s and one of my douglahs come up, both are now dead to to stupid mistakes and a cat attack. And those were on the 5-6 day.

I'm clueless to the problem here and i'm getting frustrated with them and myself.

Any ideas?..
Couple of things come to mind. They got dry sometime during the process of germinating them or possibly gnat larvae ate them. Have you checked on any of them? Carefully remove some of the soil around a couple and check the seeds. If you come across any abnormalties can you take a picture and post it here?

Good luck.
I checked on a few of my douglahs, yellow 7s and butch ts, nothing looked wrong with them, and they were not dry or anything.
Hhhmmmm strange. Does it get cooler at night? Do you have any supplemental heat other than the dome lid closed? Are they in the sun? Are you using lights? What is your heat source? Do you have a thermostat? How often are you checking temps and what are you checking them with?
Im using a hydrofarm heat mat
Hydrofarm thermostat
And nowhere newr any sunlight or any other type of lights

I check it with the hydrofarm thermostat , and every two hours or so when i pass my through my dining room

It also does get cooler at night but the thermostat adjusts the heat to keep it at 83-86.
Curiouser and curiouser. How many are we talking about? A few or a lot? Bad seeds do happen so if you only have a few started that could be an answer. If you have 20 or more the odds of that many all being bad are getting out of believable range. I'm running out of responses to you, sorry I couldn't help.
Well i have about 24-30 going , 18 cells 14 in use two per pellet so 28. I've also tried the paper towel method but so far i've only gotton brainstrain to sprout but im afraid if i put them in the pellets they will die for some reason ><
Well i have about 24-30 going , 18 cells 14 in use two per pellet so 28. I've also tried the paper towel method but so far i've only gotton brainstrain to sprout but im afraid if i put them in the pellets they will die for some reason ><

let your sprouts grow to about 1/2" then plant them correctly in your pellets, then put em under lights, they will be fine if you follow this Joseph! :)
I've got a thought...do you know what the PH of your water is? I don't know how picky pepper seeds are in regards to water quality (ph, mineral content, chlorine/flouride levels, etc.) but its possible they don't like your water. It sounds like you're doing basically everything else right. (My only other thought is that they are too close to the surface and that is somehow affecting them.)

I understand where I live the ph of the water is 8.5...so I treat it with a little bit of lemon juice (1tsp/gal.) I don't have ph measurement capabilities, but I roder a very inexpensive ph meter from Hong Kong which should give me a clue when i gets here ina couple of weeks. You might want to check your water out too.
I say the seeds are bad....or as MAFWIZ said, too close to the surface. If all conditions are the same, then the only variant is the seed itself.
Might be my water, im not sure it just normal tap water from lake michigan, and if the seeds are too close then how come the others still sprouted, (others being two :,( )
Might be my water, im not sure it just normal tap water from lake michigan, and if the seeds are too close then how come the others still sprouted, (others being two :,( )

Prob your water Joe. I didnt think of that. I'm sure the seeds I gave you are good as I used them not long ago and almost all seeds sprouted for me, so you can pretty much rule bad seeds out. Use distilled water if you can! maybe that rain water will work?
What do i use to test the water? I sincerely doubt that can cause enough damage so that they wont grow. Its not like pouring chlorine or battery acid on them :!
what are the seeds? How many of each and did they come from dehydrated pods? Did they all come from the same person. If they were dehydrated at too high of temps the seeds could be toast. Otherwise I doubt it is the water, chicago has some of the cleanest tap water around. The only thing I would say if the seeds come from a viable source is to change the medium you are using and water...restart and try again. Best bet. you can use litmus strip to check the ph. That is the most in expensive way. Or it might be possible to find out the PH of the water online from the city itself.

How long have you had them in the tray?

He noted above: 3 weeks
Mainly all are from the same person and most are from fresh pods.

And about ten of each so.

Mebbe how you saved the fresh seeds??
But I wouldnt give up on em!
Some of mine take 3 weeks or more, but I use no heat or light.
My Douglahs especially seem to take forever!
Take that dome off for a day and let them have some fresh air!
Mebbe a little drying out is what they need.
