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I got home from work today and found an envelope from Judy at pepperlovers waiting. inside was the dry brown moruga flakes she has been offering to send anyone who wants them. I couldnt wait so I popped a small flake in my mouth and allowed to to rehydrate, chewed it a bit and savoured the flavors that were really pretty good. I got some really good heat for such a small piece of dry pepper.
After a while I had to have some more and, pretty much a repeat of the previous experience. Feeling a little bold now that dry moruga could be handled without too much difficulty I again devoured another piece. However, as I picked this piece up and put it in my mouth I considered how much this piece looked like it may be part of the placenta. after about 3 minutes I realized I bit off much more than I should have and anyone who is already into super hots knows of what I am speaking. I never imagined so much pain from a pepper and its effect on the salivery glands. My mouth felt like I drank a cup of boiling hot coffee (scalding hot) and I even experienced some slight capsaicin cramps after the peak subsided. I now have much more respect for that bag of dry pepper.
I think I will try it with food next time.
Thanks again Judy for sending me the experience.
You know, after my first little encounter of the brown moruga. I am cautiously anticipating the second.
Some how this seems to fly in the face of telling a youngster not to touch a hot stove and only after the youngster does so does he or she learn not to do it again.
Hahahaha! I feel your pain.. I'm that kid that didn't learn the stove is hot. Pfft.. I sometimes wonder why i continually eat this stuff.
I know how you feel. Tearing up a ghost scorpion was similar in effect. Tasted like $#!% and burned for several hours. Friends tried some also, one who didn't have the seed part vomited, and I wince when I imagine what the seed eater must be going through.
Edit: cant wait for her to release the brown moruga. Really wanna try one of those.
I have to ask, I know I probably didnt get enough of the brown moruga to fully appreciate the capsaicin burn and endorphin rush. but for about 2 hours after the peak it felt like I had 4 back to back shots of good whiskey.  This normal and more intense with more pod?
Must have woke up some taste buds I didnt know I had too. food tasted 3 times better than normal.