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I guess my season is starting early

At the end of last years growing season, I had a lot of peppers still needed time to grow and ripen. I brought them inside and threw a 400w MH over them to finish off the pods. Instead of doing a full over winter, I cut them back and switched the lighting to a 70w MH on a 6' light mover to keep them alive. They do get a little light from the morning sun as they are near the sliding glass door, but it's not much. Other than looking for pests and slight drooping when they need water. I haven't paid much attention to them.
Recently I noticed a couple of plants were starting to flower and have been plucking them to promote growth. Then I found these growing.


Who would've guessed a measly little 70w bulb would grow pods, especially considering when the light is not continuously over each plant.
I hope this is a sign of a good season for me.
That is really cool to see. I am in western NY, Just started dabbling with growing my own super hots this year, I currently have them under a t5-5k set of bulbs. The light set up was for corals, but seem to be doing very well for the plants. They are about a month and a half or so old, working on 3rd and 4th sets of true leaves and between 2 and 3 inches tall. I cant wait to see some production.