I have my first baby!!!

Well, not a human baby. This is my first ever attempt to starting hot peppers. After planting my Bhut Jolokia a little over week ago, and checking every day,one finally popped up! :party: I was starting to worry if any were going to germinate.

Here is my baby.

Here is my unique and strange set up. Clear plastic tub from wally world sitting on a pharmacy hearing pad set on medium heat. Seeds planted in 9 oz. plastic drinking cups...with holes drilled in the bottom and used Miracle Grow Cactus mix for soil. And for color...well actually to keep the soil heated evenly, I added some aquarium rock that we had laying around the house. Probably not the greatest set up, but I think it might work.

Well congrats on that :) I cant see the pictures but maybe its cause im on my macbook, even though they usually show. Maybe the host site is messed up not sure, but I'm still waiting on my bhuts to come in the mail and I'm just as excited, where did you get yours?