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I have questions! Just got my first flower!

I am so ecstatic about seeing my first pepper flower ever. It is still quite small and I have a couple of questions....

1. when the fruit start to form, what is the best way to eliminate possibility of pests?
2. flowers to ripe fruit I believe is roughly 6 weeks, can somebody confirm this? (i have a naga).

I have next year all figured out already but that's another story.... :)
I am so ecstatic about seeing my first pepper flower ever. It is still quite small and I have a couple of questions....

1. when the fruit start to form,(when the flowers get pollinated) what is the best way to eliminate possibility of pests?(spray your plants every 2 weeks with pesticide to eliminate any pest or beneficial bugs)
2. flowers to ripe fruit I believe is roughly 6 weeks, can somebody confirm this? (i have a naga).(naga's are quite slow in ripening. the longer they are up there the hotter it gets..)

I have next year all figured out already but that's another story.... :)
Pepper fruit has few pest because of the capsicum. Ladybugs and other good bugs usually get the bad bugs. As far as birds (capasicum has no effect on them) even they get use to seeing a scarecrow and come in anyway. I use Garden Safe products when mother natures not helping. As far as flowers, weather and health of the plant determine how long till fruit. Look at it this way if your getting flowers half the battle is over and your winning-time to smell the flowers
Aphids are the worst enemy and are nearly impossible to eliminate without predator insects. Thrips, whitefly, and mites can also become major pests if not kept under control with sprays or predators. With the fruit you need to worry about borers and that lay eggs inside pods.
Edit: Slugs can be another problem, watch out for them too
i think that under developed pods have less or no heat so bugs can destroy them. I found pepper maggots on ripe habaneros. caterpillars can chew the calyx of the pods.
Aphids are the worst enemy and are nearly impossible to eliminate without predator insects.
Edit: Slugs can be another problem, watch out for them too

I agree on the aphids. Number 1 enemy of mine. The slugs not so much cause I created homes for alot of toads to move in. Between them and all the ladybugs that live in my garden I use less chem and get to watch nature do its thing

www.arbico-organics.com is a site where you can get ladybugs ( 1500 for 6.50 ). As cheep as a can of spray and last longer
The way I see it, dont worry about it until you actually SEE the pests. Dont put too much into it, you know? IF you see them, THEN attack!
+1 what the H P said. Just keep a really close eye on things. Good to have a magnifying glass, even. Keep up on problems your fellow Aussies experience, especially.

But first, have a beer and toast your plants and yourself on a job well done! Flowers! Great.... :cool:
+1 what the H P said. Just keep a really close eye on things. Good to have a magnifying glass, even. Keep up on problems your fellow Aussies experience, especially.

But first, have a beer and toast your plants and yourself on a job well done! Flowers! Great.... :cool:

just dont spill your beer when you toast your plants.
1. Plants don't like beer
2. Thats considered alcohol abuse where I come from (spilling your beer) :)