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I just had an idea: Sunday experiment

I have a juicer, I will juice some habs (and then put the washable parts in the dishwasher for 3-4 times). With the waste (the ground up crap that gets expelled), I will try extracting an oil (pure grain alcohol as the solvent). I will assume most of the cap, not being water soluble will stay in the expelled matter.
I'd think you'd want to start with dry peppers personally

Here's some interesting info on juicing peppers

And some info on making extract
"The extract, known as oleoresin capsicum is made this way: hot chiles are furnace-dried, crushed, and pelletized. They are treated with hexane, which dissolves the capsaicin. The hexane is then evaporated, leaving an extremely hot, oily substance that can be further refined. Then it is used in pepper spray, topical analgesics, and extremely hot sauces. No, it is not possible to make it at home, but you can put your habs in a juicer and come up with an extremely hot liquid."
Davetaylor said:
well first thing you wanna do is read some of the stories about diy extract operations gone bad

I will, I remember crushing up habs once in a food processor and when I opened it up, a few seconds later I thought I was going to die.
I'd think you'd want to start with dry peppers personally

Here's some interesting info on juicing peppers

And some info on making extract
"The extract, known as oleoresin capsicum is made this way: hot chiles are furnace-dried, crushed, and pelletized. They are treated with hexane, which dissolves the capsaicin. The hexane is then evaporated, leaving an extremely hot, oily substance that can be further refined. Then it is used in pepper spray, topical analgesics, and extremely hot sauces. No, it is not possible to make it at home, but you can put your habs in a juicer and come up with an extremely hot liquid."

Just read it, I think I will pass on juicing habs. Thanks
the gone wrong stories i was refering to was folk blowing things up and setting things on fire when using alcohol/gases to extract the cap
ipreferamediumroast said:
I will, I remember crushing up habs once in a food processor and when I opened it up, a few seconds later I thought I was going to die.

Dude if you thought that you were going to die from the fumes of crushed habs i would seriously reconsider making extract.

Like a boxer that gets into the ring without ever training, you will get owned.
with nova here, there are pics somewhere of defcon creator during extract process in full protective gear, full body cover all and breathing app.