misc i keep getting asked for some of this

so i keep getting asked for this by everyone who has the balls to try it... its a pineapple ghost pepper sauce (and a lot more excellence). i just bottled up 24 of those silly woozy bottles from stock that has been aging in my fridge for 2 months.  anyway, my question is where do you purchase more than 24 of these at a time, because im going to waste a shit tonne of money just shipping seperate orders of 24 bottles...
+1 fillmore
juanitos said:
i like the squeeze bottles that lucky dog hot sauce / secret ardvark use, they are easier for customers, bottles are 8 oz tho. 250 case
I liked those at first too til I noticed about one in five had a leaky top and got messy. I think LDHS might have stopped using em but I could be wrong. Something about getting misshapen on the hot fill, I think?
Hogleg is correct, Lucky Dog has gone back to glass bottles for said reasons.  For home/hobby sauce makers, they should ONLY use glass bottles and the hot fill/hold process. 
specialty bottle
container and packaging supply
We all like a good squeeze now and then ;),
...but for hot packing sauces, it's a really tough task.  Plastics have a veeeeeerrry small temp window.  For most processors, the sauces require a Hot Fill, which does create a vacuum when cooled and plastic bottles (I believe the word I heard was...) "panel".  or something about too many bottles were "paneling"~~~  something like that. 
Eons ago, I tried working with plastic woozy shaped bottles.  They were so deformed they looked like something from an X-Files Lab.  Materials have advanced tremendously since the Jurassic Era, but plastics still don't work well for home processors. 
Just use the glass and those who want the sauce will pony up for the postage.  As always, do not sell or promote a hobby sauce as a legit sauce.  Too much potential for problems.  There are other threads talking about this very thing.  Be safe and keep your friends and family safe while developing the sauce. 
First and foremost....Have Fun!!! :D
yeah, sorry. ive gotten better at avoiding message boards and forums when drunk buuuut its a newer thing for me (the drinking) and I don't quite have the hang of it all yet. I'm 2 years 8 months off all the illegal stuff though so that's a plus.... hope I didn't offend anyone
It's all good, we are a pretty forgiving bunch, because we've probably done it ourselves. 
You do know that THP has been called "a drinking forum with a pepper problem"~~~  :lol:
But seriously, THP is the best chile pepper forum on the interwebz.  Give yourself a year or two to get to know people.  We really are people IRL, not just post bots.  It's all guuud~  :cool:
aka- SL
aka- HSL
aka- Ann