I may be moving my lawn around in pots...

Ok first off to set the scene, I'm not a grower, there's not much between me and a box of rocks when it comes to growing stuff, but I'm trying damnit, I'm trying!!

Here we go....

Early July 2010

"Honey, I think I'll do a little weeding in your vegetable garden"

1 day later "Errr deary, where did all my pepper plants go?"

"Well they looked like tall blades of grass".

Early July 2011

"ooohh Honey, the cilantro and basil is looking good!".

"Right, don't pull any bloody weeds"

"No, I didn't, I just pulled out some of the tall grass"

The problem is, I'm starting to think that it is just grass that I'm growing, in pots, with miracle grow, and I'm moving them around during the day for the sun :crazy:

So what the heck is this stuff




A "friend" gave me some seeds that were mixed, but he assured me they were all peppers!! :clap:

Now each pot that I planted the seeds into is sprouting those tall grass like things... :think:

I think I've been had :doh:

Any clues.....???

It sure is healthy lookin whatever it is

My best guess... I would say that is a weed. I have pulled many in my garden that look like that. I could tell you it is not a pepper plant. How long ago did you plant the seed? It could be a possibility that the seed didn't come up yet or is a dud.
Thanks Kendog,

All I know for certain about these is that I grew them from seeds!! The seed assortment contained 5 seeds that were darker and larger than the rest and I specifically planted these in pots, and each one has grown into a fine example of a ....weed?

My buddy insists that this isn't grass, or a "weed seed" so I guess I'll have to wait for a while longer to see...

But if anyone recognizes it, please, please let me know, so I can pull them, if they're weeds!!

hhhaaha I knew you where in trouble when I read "A "friend" gave me some seeds that were mixed, but he assured me they were all peppers!"

Like they say you get what you pay for.

On a side note your basil and rosemary look great!
Take a bite--if it has a lemon-citrus-almost ginger taste, it's lemongrass.

Otherwise, you might have a fine example of a well-pampered weed, and not the fun kind, as mentioned earlier.... :cool: