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I may have gone over the edge

When it comes to composting! I have three buckets of compost upstairs, two buckets in the greenhouse and a large pile in the yard. One of my goals is to brew as much as 200 quarts of tea, simply because it is a great, free fertilizer.

But this evening, and this is what makes me think I have gone over to the dark side, is that I fixed Linda a batch of broccoli. It was from a store and included the head as well as a huge amount of stems. Linda doesn't like the stems, so I cut them off, then, with an eye toward composting them, sliced them. But oh, that wasn't enough for me - it would still take them months to decompose. But... I have this food processor that chops and grinds. It worked great on the stems and I have lots of little, tiny pieces of green stems.

That wasn't enough. I've been saving egg shells too. They are hard to get into little tiny pieces so I added them to the stems. Wowsers - a nice mix. Something that should decompose in a few weeks.

I'm an addict - I have a business that is saving coffee grounds and banana peels for me and want to ask another one to save all their grinds, waste of ends of lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes - anything I can compost.

But FWIW, I think this is in my genes. I had a great, great uncle who moved to California and started a lard rendering business. He and his kids, grandkids and great-grandkids became rich - from hauling grease! I can't see me making much money but hey, every little bit helps.

My name is Potawie and I'm also a compost addict:)
My big obsession this time of year is composting up several acres worth of leaves and old potting soil. In the winter I'm more into bokashi composting and vermicomposting