I couldn't really find a forum that was dedicated to topics like this, so I figured the cooking forum would be best since it is most closely related.
So, For over a decade I have used Penzeys for almost all of my spice purchases. That came to an end this week when I got their newest "Catalog" and read some of the opinion that is typed in it. I won't go into it on the forum, but it pissed me off enough that I will never use them again... They need to learn to just shut up and sell spices.
So anyway, Who do you all buy spices through in bulk?
So, For over a decade I have used Penzeys for almost all of my spice purchases. That came to an end this week when I got their newest "Catalog" and read some of the opinion that is typed in it. I won't go into it on the forum, but it pissed me off enough that I will never use them again... They need to learn to just shut up and sell spices.
So anyway, Who do you all buy spices through in bulk?