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chinense I Need Help Identifying This Chinense Type, Please!!!


I recently received some peppers in the mail, which were labeled as Peach Habaneros. However, as I examined the pods, I can fairly definitively state that they are not. The two bigger pods just look like regular Orange Habs, but the smaller one is funky looking. Here is a link to the YouTube showcase video I made of it to show it to everyone:

Thanks to anyone who can help!
looks like a common orange hab or possibly burning bush hab

either way i think its a common species of orange hab

thanks your friend Joe
They look like orange habs too me too. I thought the peach were a bit lighter in color. I tried growing Peach habs last year and it turned out to be one of the most spectacular examples in the history of mankind of how not to grow peach habaneros. LOL The pod variation is probably normal. Where did you get the pods? A local grocery store, someone from THP or another chile forum or the dreaded E-Bay...... Basically how reputable was the entity that provided the pods to you. I can totally see someone growing out orange habs from the grocery store then they gave seeds to their mom then she gave them to her brother. Then, the brother is not a chile head and honestly says he is growing a cool peach colored habanero and gives it to his friends. Viola orange hab becomes peach hab. Or it could be more sinister and be an evil ebay seller that is just selling orange habs and calling them peach.
It was a seller out of Florida from eBay. Most of the varieties were spot on, including the Fish Pepper, Fatalii, Bhut Jolokia, etc. Although I have my doubts about the so-called Chocolate Habanero I also tried yesterday. It tasted too Naga-like to me to be a Hab, but someone pointed me toward the Jamaican Hot Chocolate. Anyone know if that one has a Naga-like flavor to it? I thought it might be a Chocolate 7-Pot, but it wasn't astoundingly hot, just about the same heat as a normal Habanero. Here is the link to the showcase video on that one, as long as we're discussing identification:

I'd love to put a name to this one, as well, since it really didn't taste like a Hab. One of my favorites so far flavorwise, but not a Hab flavor whatsoever. Thanks for responding to this one, guys. My suspicion has been confirmed that they were regular Habs. I thought so based upon not only the color, but the pod shape as well. It looked like a plain ol' Hab, except for that smaller one, which was just weird looking!

Take care,