2 quick comments.
The term "Organic" differs greatly from state to state.
Also, who wouldn't run their business in a 'sustainable' manner? If a company doesn't make money, there are a couple of reasons. Perhaps no one knows about the company, so they have to increase public awareness through various marketing avenues or perhaps their product just plain sucks. In this current pile-of-sh*t economic climate, where there is no light at the end of the tunnel, in speaking with many other sauce companies over the past couple years, many are doing quite well financially. I blame it on people getting back to basics. Not as many are eating at restaurants, preferring to eat at home. No one can afford a new house or a car, but they sure can afford a $5 bottle of hot sauce to accentuate their home-cooked meal.
Why would someone purposely run an 'unsustainable' company? It seems like kind of a complete waste of time.