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I really despise typhoon season


I'm right above the 3 in 3AM Sun. Plants recovered from the last one and are flowering only to be moved inside without any light for growth for at least another 48 hours. After moving them back outside from the last one, everything dropped buds and flowers, hoping it has cooled enough outside to not have that happen again.

Edit, so when I posted it, the text location was accurate.... Okinawa is the biggest island around the center between 25 and 30N and 125 and 130 E....
I'm next in Gimhae, SK, but we're not sure if it'll be a 2- weird, been 8 years since this kind weather. We had torrential rain two years ago. But three typhoons in succession over our City.

Three in a row , right over our City here I Gimhae, SK. Weirdest weather for two years, but 8 years since typhoons.
I think it's funny you're more worried about flower drop then the typhoon. Good luck, mother nature is nothing to mess with.

I've always been around hurricanes being from Virginia.... And the buildings here in Okinawa hold up better to the storms. In the 3 years I've been here, I've only seen power go out once for more than a few hours from typhoons with the longest outage lasting about 24 hours only because the winds were too strong for a crew to go out and flip a switch.
Wow, makes sense. Living in California a earthquake around 4.0-5.0 although sometimes a good shake is really nothing, most the time you wouldn't even know if it weren't for the news. But some remote places in the world will have a 3 or 4 and there whole town is flatten.
Stay safe and good luck with juggling flower drop and a typhoon!
Its about 12-18 hours away, went from 20 flowers last night to 37 this morning and I don't know where I'm gonna keep them inside, a really bad gnat problem right now with all of this rain that wasn't there last night....