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I think I found the problem...

I've been having a problem with the hoop house sagging between some of the ribs. If the weather had been windy, I could have understood it, but it happened when the weather was calm, too.

I think I found the problem, though.


Tomorrow night will be the first Big Test for the Hoop House. It's going to get down into the low 20's or upper teens. I went and looked at kerosene heaters on sale, and even the smallest is still over $100. After the added expense of the comapany and holidays, plus an unexpected furnace repair, I just can't justify the money.

So, the plan is to bring all the plants in containers inside for a few days. I'll put a couple of king-sized comforters over the top of the hoop house, and wrap the plants near the outside edges of the HH in old blankets. And I'll use the ceramic heaters I already have for added heat.

I'm thinking of piling leaf compost along the inside edges of the HH to increase insulation against the wind. I have several bags that I just mowed up from around the Live Oaks.
Bags of leaves have the added advantage of producing heat from composting. New England farmers put cow poop/hay around the foundation in winter for the same reason.

It's called banking.
willard3 said:
Bags of leaves have the added advantage of producing heat from composting. New England farmers put cow poop/hay around the foundation in winter for the same reason.

It's called banking.

Ah, excellent point. Thanks.

Hm, wonder if it's too late to run down fresh manure....
I get cat burglars on my poly tunnel playing king of the castle too, especially when I have the shade cloth on it makes it eaier to climb. So far they've done less damage than me with the shovel or snowblower.:(
I get cat burglars on my poly tunnel playing king of the castle too, especially when I have the shade cloth on it makes it eaier to climb. So far they've done less damage than me with the shovel or snowblower.:(

Heh! My theory on collateral damage from the cats and dogs is that they live here, too, and have certain rights to the yard. My gardening methods have to take their needs into account. Zoe is a climber, and I'll just have to duct tape any damage.

Oh, we do some training. Both of the dogs know what "Get yer big feet off the flowers" means; but I still put small tomato cages around the peppers to protect them. The cats are still young, though, so we're still working on it. Although, I really don't know a way to train a cat who likes to get on the roof not to do so.

wordwiz said:
I would probably be tempted to buy a couple bags of charcoal.


Why charcoal?
wordwiz said:
Charcoal is cheap, burns for hours and produces very few fumes after it is lit and calms down.



But wouldn't I have to get up to add coal during the night?

You know, get out of my warm bed wherein I am snuggled with the warm doggies and warm purring kitties and go out into the cold, cold, cold, cold, dark, cold in my jammies and get black, sooty marks on my lily white, shivering hands as I add the coal to the (probably) cool embers?

Not that I'm preemptively complaining or anything.
Pam said:
Not that I'm preemptively complaining or anything.


Need some cheese with that whine?
AlabamaJack said:

Need some cheese with that whine?

Take that back, or I'll put my cold, cold, cold, cold feet on you!
Pam try putting some cat nip on the other side of your yard away from your Pepper plants.:lol: You never know it might work.:hell:
I think our definitions of "cold" are slightly different but I hope your plants made out alright last night!
AlabamaJack said:
Hey Pam:

You could post this sign on the hoop house and see if the cats can read....


And piss off the cats?

You unutterable fool! Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a pissed off cat? Are you going to pay to replace the furniture?
He kinda disappeared when Matilda's pic came up....Roscoe.........Roscoe.........where did you go

Have a great evenin' Ms Pam...
willard3 said:
Bags of leaves have the added advantage of producing heat from composting. New England farmers put cow poop/hay around the foundation in winter for the same reason.

It's called banking.

Poop = Banking.....they must bank at Fifth third!(if you don't know them, just know that they are a terrible bank. Can you believe the stupid name?)
Hey, the cat saw a Magpie trying to get a free feed of your peppers, legend cat, *brings cat into show Pams cat on duty* ;)
billyboy said:
Hey, the cat saw a Magpie trying to get a free feed of your peppers, legend cat, *brings cat into show Pams cat on duty* ;)

Wrong cat, Fiddler is the mighty hunter, slayer of shrews and snakes, and birds.

Zoe is a bug and lizard catcher. And she brings her prey into the house to play with it. My mother and sister were here one fine afternoon when Zoe trotted happily in the house and spat a large cockroach into the middle of the room. A live cockroach.
If this was my place.........

My wife has had a cat (its an ugly one with a flat face)for the 6 years we have know each other and i havnt shot it..... but it hasnt climbed on my chillis....... yet!