I think I'm allergic

To peppers.

I brought a few plants (two Thai Sun and a huge Hab) into the house within the last week. Ever since then, I have been sneezing and mucous runs from my nose like water down the Mississippi. Except for Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac, AFAIK, I'm not allergic to anything else. But this is all that has changed in the last two weeks.

OTOH, all during late summer and early fall, I was dehydrating, grinding and working with peppers - just not plants. Is this possible? Might this be a way to break my addiction to growing these things?

On a related note, if I am, this could be a godsend. Long story, but I get Cluster Headaches which are presaged by the non-production of mucous. Given these headaches are worse than a migraine, they occur every day (this last time for 12 weeks) and there is no cure, perhaps I am onto something.
Could it be something on the plants or in the dirt, like a mold, or a pesticide?

You have my sympathy on the cluster headaches, that would be awful.
I agree with Pam. There might be mold or fungus in the dirt. I doubt the plants themselves would do that.

Find the answer quick! Those headaches suck!!
It could be the dirt, but I doubt it - I worked in it all year long. Plus, there simply is not that much of it - maybe two quarts total in a room that is 18x14. Plus, the plants the daytime hours outsideThere's another plant in another room, but I spend maybe 20 minutes a day there, usually in increments of one minute or less.

As for the headaches: creation of mucous is great! I'm willing to go through a box of Kleenex every other week to keep them away. They don't happen every year - the last time I had them before this winter/spring was 10 years ago. But I have to admit, a couple of times I took so many meds that had I not puked, I probably would have ODed on meds.

I've had these things for 40 years. Each bout, they last a week longer than they did the last time. But, I get an additional year before the recur. (IOW, if they last for six weeks, they don't recur for seven years. When they do, they last for seven weeks, but don't recur for eight years.) Until this last year, I was able to sort of nip them before they started by sniffing stuff that made me sneeze. It didn't work this year - I practically snorted black and white pepper, Cajun and Creole seasoning, and some other spices. Normally, I would have sneezed two dozen times - this time, not at all. But this summer I ground up some habs and even being in the same room made me sneeze. So it's a good trade off, IF I am allergic to them.
Well that's interesting.
What is the medical condition called?

Maybe you are allergic to the pollen. Are the peppers setting flowers?

Well if you eat 1 hab a day you would no doubt be producing plenty of mucus.

Since I've been eating Habs, my allergies have gone way down.
I need to sleep with a air purifier in autumn because of rag weed.
But the last 2 years I had no need. Not sure if it's related to my pepper consumption or not.
They are called cluster headaches because they come in clusters. This year, they lasted for twelve weeks, though in the last two weeks, I could pretty much handle them. But in the other ten weeks, I had two days without an intense headache that lasts up to six hours.

The plants downstairs (two small Thai Sun in this room and one hab I'm trying to rescue from the garden in a different one) aren't setting blooms.

I've never been allergic to pollen or mold, no matter how high they got - and the counts get fairly high in Cincy.

It's not really a problem, more an annoyance.
This stinks hearing about the unexplained issues your having. If it's alergies to certain chemicals/materials it can pretty easilly be found if you go to a alergist physician and get tested. There is 2 procedures that'll cover like 95% of everything that you could be allergic to.
The first thing they can do is test you for like 60 differnt things by pricking your arms with each chemical and see if there is reaction in under an hours time. Then they can also do patch testing where they put patches on your back for a couple days and then check for reactions. If you have health insurance I'd highly recomend getting this checked out in case you have some major alergies. I've had these tests done after I had some major medical issues from an alergic reaction to an antibiotic, I'm lucky to be alive today, sure I suffer from permanent nervous system damage and a variety of issues for the rest of my life now but at least I'm alive and managing. The change in my dna/system has caused me to be alergic to a few things now but going through these tests I've found some interesting things such as being alergic to cochroaches and I'm also now unable to have caffiene which sucks becuase I used to live for strong coffee :(.

Good luck, I hope you find whats ailing you and you get better.
If you don't usually have allergies, could you possibly be catching a cold?

Also, this time of the year as everyone closes the doors and cuts on the heaters, the air can become very dry. I know that makes my nose start feeling mucus-y and dry all the time. Run some hot water in the sink and snort the steam, babee! See if it helps.
habman said:
Well that's interesting.
What is the medical condition called?

Maybe you are allergic to the pollen. Are the peppers setting flowers?

Well if you eat 1 hab a day you would no doubt be producing plenty of mucus.

Since I've been eating Habs, my allergies have gone way down.
I need to sleep with a air purifier in autumn because of rag weed.
But the last 2 years I had no need. Not sure if it's related to my pepper consumption or not.

Same experience as habman
as for the ragweed & eating chiles, well I dont think that has a connection. could be several reasons 1) you could be growing out of being allergic to them (just like some people become allergic to some things over time, strange things happen) - 2) the pollen from ragweed could be low for your area or you dont breath in as much because of your location or habits.

I'm really allergic to ragweed (badly) & eat chiles but nothing has changed for the condition.