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I think I'm going to do something different .....

Everyone always keeps tracks of varieties of peppers they grow. Well since I'm so new at this to begin with. I'm going to start a blind grow pick one seed out of each Baggie and hope for the best ! And Hopefully have some nice surprises :)

Will start a growlog as well and guess the plant contests with prizes ! As always ideas are welcomed. Thanks
Sometimes I find random seeds on the table where I keep my seeds, and i put them all in one seed packet to do something similar... I honestly will have no idea what grows if I start planing from that packet..
I have several mystery seedlings that Im rooting for, but I wouldnt do a blind grow. Good luck though! I think it sounds fun :)
Interesting idea.  You should also pick one seed to taste on camera.  Once it grows up you could get something mild or wild.
i do this every year whether on purpose or accidentally, the first few years were do to lost labels, after that ive been collecting bunches of seeds from the counter when i cut peppers to dehydrate, tons of seeds of all different varieties fall out through the holes in the trays and all over the counter, it always seemed a shame to throw them all away, so i started keeping some of them, this year im growing 25 mystery plants, all i can say is, there are a handful of chinense, a few bacatums, a few frutecsens and several annuums other than that i have no real guesses as to what any of them are, cuz i started them much later than my others and there are no pods yet! 
Figure, might as well. I'm not familiar with all the different varieties anyways so anything new is good to me ! 