chinense I try the Reaper.

Good review man! That was one gnarly looking pepper. I have three plants growing but only one is putting out pods that look similar to that one. I don't think i'll be chowing on one like you did though.

It looked like it may have hurt just a little.

What was the after burn like? Did you get cramps from it?
RPM55 said:
Good review man! That was one gnarly looking pepper. I have three plants growing but only one is putting out pods that look similar to that one. I don't think i'll be chowing on one like you did though.

It looked like it may have hurt just a little.

What was the after burn like? Did you get cramps from it?
Afterburn is terrible, and terrible cramps too.
NattyPepper said:
Nice review, and very nice Dumb and Dumber reference!
Its my favorite movie! 
Eaten a couple of them so far.
Little slivers out of various parts of the pod, the rest all mixed with or in something.
Enough of a rush out of small bits, not going to munch a whole one and see God. :party:
Hey Pex, it wont let me watch your video :/ bummer man!
 Today I was thinking about trying a new insane challenge, It was going to be called the "Incinerator Chaser" What is it???
Simly eat a superhot then after chewing and swallowing you take a shot of at least 30% alchohol. :mouthonfire: :flamethrower:
Yeah, I thought about it but dont want to burn a hole in my stomach! ;)  I think I will just stick to eating plain superhots! lol
megahot said:
Hey Pex, it wont let me watch your video :/ bummer man!
 Today I was thinking about trying a new insane challenge, It was going to be called the "Incinerator Chaser" What is it???
Simly eat a superhot then after chewing and swallowing you take a shot of at least 30% alchohol. :mouthonfire: :flamethrower:
Yeah, I thought about it but dont want to burn a hole in my stomach! ;)  I think I will just stick to eating plain superhots! lol
ha, well i cant consume alcohol so i dont think ill be doing that either. but that sucks it wont let you view it, any reason why?
romy6 said:
 My jonahs are not that hot but Kevin sent me seeds to his evil jonah and when they ripen in 6 months look out!!!!
 Nice review Pex. You are a true chilihead!!!
well thank you so much, im lookin forward to an evil jonah... muahahaaaaaaaaaa
i would like to eat one mainly to see how it taste, but logic has stepped in and I will abstain from eating one at least for awhile, I do have both the barrackpore and red Brain Strain that hopefully will give me enough pods to satisfy my hunger,
Nice Vid though I could tell you definitely felt the heat. :P
Why cut it so short, that sucker was barely getting started on you! Great job anyway, A/C D/C says that you've got the biggest balls of them all.
3/5King said:
Why cut it so short, that sucker was barely getting started on you! Great job anyway, A/C D/C says that you've got the biggest balls of them all.
i guess i just run out of stuff to say, what would you suggest i add for content?
First, it was a very entertaining review but since you asked about content... I reckon it would be really helpful to place the heat between two other pods - hotter than an x, less hot than a y.  The scale out of 10 is pretty arbitrary. You did say it was hotter than a brainstrain which is good but not what is hotter than it. Even things that are similar heat would be interesting.
Smell is always interesting.
Also you mentioned the heat was quick and the flavor was floral and sweet.  As the heat came on did the flavor go or last? How long did the flavor stay with you and did it change from the first impressions/develop?
I am also always interested in the pods background, generally like the region the stain developed and specifically like who grew it, from which seed stock and their growing conditions.  It means if I wanted to try emulate the exact pepper you ate I would be in a good position to secure or grow one.  I know it would be a lot of work to do the research but it would certainly fill in some dead air while we watch smoke come out your ears. In this case you mentioned bakers peppers who I understand got seeds from pepper joe.  Any of the HP22B story would be fascinating as well as the other stains in the pipeworks.
I think for most eating whole super hots is not a reality.  I love watching the videos but a whole habanero destroys me, I literally writhe on the floor so your description is as close as I am going to get to eating a superhot for the foreseeable future.
For some reason, I cannot view the video either.  I have a few reapers growing this season and am chomping at the bit to see how they will look (as advertised or not) and taste.  Since people have been throwing out other pods that you may or may not have tried yet, I have to ask, have you tried the Douglah yet?  I have had all pods others here have listed, except the reaper, and to me the almighty Douglah is hands down the hottest that I have tried to date.
jbeer32 said:
For some reason, I cannot view the video either.  I have a few reapers growing this season and am chomping at the bit to see how they will look (as advertised or not) and taste.  Since people have been throwing out other pods that you may or may not have tried yet, I have to ask, have you tried the Douglah yet?  I have had all pods others here have listed, except the reaper, and to me the almighty Douglah is hands down the hottest that I have tried to date.
weird, i have to check at that video out then. lets see... yeah ive had the douglah and it was WAY far up there. the reaper IS hotter than the douglah iirc. 