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Can someone tell me what these peppers are called

Did you grow them?
If they are from the market they could be any of a bunch of different similar type peppers.

If you grew them,and they had gold specks in the petals of the flower they could be Guyana,C.Baccatum.
They yellow or orange?

Picked these yesterday.

my brother in-law got them from his sister. They were more yellow when they were fresh, those on the picture are kinda dry and look more orange. They were pretty hot and I can take some heat. This week end I ate about 5 jolokia's, 1 yellow scorpi and a brown one not sure what it was. This were some I bought from an auction here. The jolokias were not as hot as I imagined.
Guyana aren't very hot.They have a distinctive Baccatum flavor.
You might have Yellow Cayenne which I think are hotter than the Baccatum.
Hard to say,it's a pretty common pod shape.
Pods shaped like that ,depending what one they are can be eaten in any color stage and ripe can be Yellow,orange or red.