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Id two birds and a squash?

I got these three peppers today, two were supposedly brazilian bird peppers, one orange-yellow and one red, and also one that I think is a squash pepper.

The orange-yellow one was absolutely delicious, fruity and not very hot. The red was good but not as fruity and hotter than the yellow. The squash-looking pepper was pretty bad looking but I tasted the clean part and it was hot but kind of soapy, and not good. Probably just because it was way overripe.

all three had tan seeds. sorry for the crappy pic.

So i found out the red small pepper is Jamaican and is called Pimenta Mais Forte,(at least by the Jamaican who supplied the seed). The orange is Brazilian and I ate two more today and they were still mild but fantastic tasting, definitely a winner.
I also got two tiny bird peppers which were called Florida Bird pepper but i don't think they are the native variety as they look wrong.

The bush had small hairy leaves and the peppers were elongated to a point, red and very hot. it seemed the heat was felt almost solely on the lips, not in the throat at all and very little on the tongue.
