Identify my Israeli peppers

Welcome! Some of those look familiar but don't know the names off the top of my head. Someone else will probably chime in.

There's a great database here. If you think you may know part of the name, you can look them up.
Ah, I see. I did follow the link, but I thought the plants were themselves Israeli varieties. Cool plants! The roundish black pod looks like black pearl, but usually that plant has black/purple foliage too. I'm sorta stumped on all of them actually...
Welcome Shamir.
First of all I'd like to mention the fact none of those chiles are Israeli.
The first ones look a lot like Royal Black or something of that sort. how hot are they?
Second ones resemble my Cseresznye Paprika a lot, or maybe a large Tepin-type. how's the flavor and heat?
Third ones are probably Black Cluster, but we need to see flower shots first.
The thick ones are probably Chilcostle.

For identifying chile species, go to

המשך יום טוב.
If anything, it looks like a Black Dragon, but knowing what's available around his area and how sometimes plants just won't give you a perfect pod (just look at how many different shapes on the same plant), I'd say Royal Black or a family member (meaning some sort of cross).

thanks all
the black pods' pics are from three different plants.
what about the narrow 5-7cm long bright green peppers. they are the hottest among all.
