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Identify this dud

A local convenience store had this (3 plants in one pot) for $10.00.
I might as well call this one "ornamental," as it has little other value.  I'm disappointed, as I thought ornamentals were supposed to be hot.  This has no heat and no flavor.
What is it?

"Ornamental" is subjective. I would consider a lemon drop to be "ornamental" as I don't like the flavor. Others would totally disagree with me. So just because a label calls a chile "ornamental" doesn't mean you will or won't like it - though there's a good chance most people don't like it or it wouldn't have earned that label in the first place. There is a large variety of chiles that are called "ornamental", and most have upright pods like yours. Sometimes the colors vary, sometimes they don't. If you're really curious, see if you can determine the source of the plant and call them.
I bought the plant at at at a corner 24 hour convenience store - the kind on every block in NYC.  It had no labels and the clerk knew nothing about it, except for the fact that it was edible.  I might return to get info on the source out of pure curiosity.
I can't imagine that anybody deliberately bred this for taste.  It's not that I don't like the flavor—There is none at all!—and it comes in at 0 SHU!
I hate throwing things out or killing things, so I kept it under my grow lights and I'll eat the pods for extra roughage.
dragon49 said:
Looking at http://bonnieplants.com/products/vegetables/peppers/sangria-pepper - This is exactly what I have.

I love the quote on the page:

"Sangria peppers are edible, but they're not typically grown for their flavor."
its a beautiful plant,i grow it every year in memory of my late niece Amanda, i gave here two plants years back as a gift that i started for her and the plants i grow are direct decendents of her's
they taste a little bit like Mulberries but there not sweet, there flavor is OK
thanks your friend Joe