Identify this pepper from Philippines please

My dad went to philippines last year and brought some peppers. He said he got them from a city named Bagio. He got them from Bagio Manor in the restaraunt. They served it fresh picked and he liked it so he brought some home. They are dried out now of course. They look like 2 different types of peppers, but that maybe just me. I know we have some members from Philippines, so maybe they can help and whether i should bother growing these.

Here are some pics:

All three. The one on the left looks different from the other 2 on the right. There is a decent amount of heat, not too bad, i say 5 or 6 / 10. Good flavor though.

The bigger one is 4.5cm, the two smaller ones are 3.5cm.

Close up of the big guy

Close up of the other small two

The seeds all look the same ..
You got a quarter or something we can see a size comparison?
Being 1/3 Mexican, they look like Japonés but I'm sure I'm wrong...
Damm PJ, there are far more smarter people here than me to help you.
They look like cayenne or japonés to me, but there's pepper gods here that know which family etc....
Give it some time, you'll get your answer, sorry bud....
The pepper names get pretty jumbled there, but I'm guessin those are too long to be Siling Labuyo (which look more like Pequins and range 1/2-inch or so).

Could be Siling Haba. Hopefully forum member Siling_Labuyo his own self will stop by. Here's a discussion about the Labuyo we had last year. SL pictorial

They look interesting, heck, plant 'em and see. Baguio is in a mountainous area, much cooler area than the rest of the Phils. Don't know how that matches up with Texas. Good luck!