If you could visit the Caribians for seed stock...

If you were to go to the Caribbeans looking for unique seed stock, what would you do to acquire them?  Since landrace is what most folk look for, I do not imagine conventional commercial stores would be much help.  Where would you go.  Who would you talk to.  What would you ask for.
just go to the local markets on a few islands. i'm sure they have a few. can always ask if someone is a pepper "expert" and they will direct you someone/where.
i know st lucia has some peppers, and trinidad ofc
OH and you know cuba is open now. there may be some one of a kind,rare shit there!
I think we have it all already.  You might find some backyard recombination (outcross) but I think we can safely assume that anything really speacial is already in our hands.
Robstar - I am none too sure and here is why.  First off, most references state that the super hots were more of a backyard sort of thing in the Caribbean.  Not a commercial sort of a thing.  So there is no list.  Many of the things we might be interested in are landraces, so they will be different from one community to the next, adapted locally over the years.  Finally, from what I understand the vast majority of the super hots now available came from one woman with one batch of dna.  They were then either refined or crossed to create what we have now.

Seems like there would have to be DNA out there that nobody in the chili head community has encountered yet.  After all, there was a time when ghost peppers were the hottest peppers in the world and hot spices all come from India.  Woops, we got that wrong too.
isn't there some guy on this site who lives in venezuela that has been selling aji jobito and other seeds that nobody here has seen before? If that helps your point
BigB, have not run into him but yes, exactly.  When I think on the way dna got into our hands and then how we refined so many different things from that dna, I gotta figure the pool is frigging huge and we only got a tiny splash so far.