• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

ikeepfish's Winter 2013-14 indoor grow log

This will be my second winter growing indoors, I'm kind of excited since I've expanded a bit since I first started.  I'm using both aquaponics and hydroponics and probably a few soil plants as well.  So, to start things off, I'll hopefully be the proud daddy of these seeds I'm working on germinating.   The soil I'm starting them in is a compost blend that I've been recomposting for a few years and it usually does pretty well.  You'll have to forgive me but everything I do is cheap and typically DIY but I'm hoping for some high quality results. 
So to begin with, I already have hab oranges, thais, anaheims, orange bells, and hungarian waxes indoors, and I'm working on germinating these seeds currently
Fatalii Yellow
7 Pot Primo
Anaheim X Thai (I hope after going through the trouble of emasculating the Anaheim a dozen times)
I'm pressed for indoor space but that should be enough to get me started.  The seeds were soaked and soiled this past weekend and they've been sitting in a tupperware container inside my new DIY grow tent...fingers crossed.


and a pic of papa fish just for good measure

Wish me Luck, I'll keep this updated, hopefully I'll see some progress soon.  I've got hydro buckets locked and loaded, ready for some superhots!
Look forward to following along.

Upgrading my dwc to an undercurrent system now. Hopefully be up and running assuming I don't get any leaks in my seals.
I really need to get a new camera...this is my first seedling a Fatalii!  Still waiting on the other peppers to come up!  I'm trying to germ some extra reapers in a ziplock bag too, I think one is germing, fingers crossed!
So a small update, I had a minor catastrophe with my grow tent.  I have cats and one of them jumped on top of my tent while I was spending the weekend with my girlfriend and it collapsed my lighting (which was off thankfully.)  It ended up crushing and breaking two of my Anaheim plants that were full of blooms but the more discouraging thing was that it knocked over my seedling tray.  I ended up losing the 7 pot that had came up and two reaper babies but the good news is that I still have two fatalii seedlings going strong and one reaper.  My Anaheim X Thai never have germinated and I think I'm just going to scrap them for now.  I'll probably be trying out some Moruga seeds instead and save the rest of what I have for Spring.