illWills noob hydro questions

I know,  I know,  I could probably find these answers through lots and lots of searching but I'm admittedly lazy and unmotivated.  Please help:

I moved to plants to DWC buckets yesterday.  It is my first time growing in DWC.  I have a few questions:

1)  A week seems to be about standard for changing your nutrient solution:  but will water dissolve in that time?  Will I need to "top off" the buckets?  If so, about how frequently?  

2)  Is it okay to handle the roots as long as you don't break them?  Is it okay to empty the net pot and check out root growth or will that just stunt the plant?
3)  As with question #1,  will I need to test the solutions pH during the week?  Will the plants uptake of nutrients affect my ambient ph?

Thanks for any help   :)  
I haven't got any DWC plants or setups, but I've got some gear getting ready for it when cooler weather rolls around. With that said I've done alot of reading so I'll put my 2c in.
1) I don't know what you mean by dissolve, I assume you mean the water level dropping. If so, yes the water level could drop in a week, depending on many factors. Ive also read that water changes are usually done every 14 days. When you top off, it is my understanding that you top off with PH adjusted water, without nutrients, just to get the water up to the right level and you only do so when necessary. One week your plant could consume more fluid then another week. Theres no given interval, its done as needed, when the water level gets lower than your threshold. You wouldn't want your roots exposed to air only.
2) I would refrain from handling the roots. The roots have little teeny tiny hairs on them and getting the rootball to cooperate and come out nicely won't be easy, then you'll have the hassle of getting it back into the net pot. As far as I know, the net pot is also not a limitation to the plant, since the plant is growing completely externally of the net pot, theres almost no reason to have to remove it from the net pot. Any damage done to root systems will need the plant to spend energy on rebuilding the root system.
3) I read somewhere that if you are meh with your plants, check it weekly, if you care about your plants, you'll check it daily and probably a couple times a day. The plants natural absorption of water and nutes will affect the PH but I do not believe it will throw out the PH by a significant amount. 
Another thing to remember is when doing your nute changes, you want to really avoid drastic changes in the PH. From what I know, its best to have two buckets for one plant and what you do come time to make a new nute batch is make the batch in the second bucket, get the ppm's right, get the nutes right and get the ph as close as possible to the old bucket then transfer your lid and netpot to the other bucket or pour the solution into your old bucket after the old solution has been emptied.
Don't forget to use H2O2 as needed. Some people use it once per nute cycle to help inhibit any potential breakouts of bacteria or root rot etc.
Can you elaborate on the h2o2? Like, amount per gallon?

And yes I meant evaporated not dissolved.... oops. But any idea how often? Once every few days? Once a day?
I can't be sure on the amount of H2O2 but depending on the grade you use(35%, 20%, 3% etc) will depend and also on the size of the bucket. Check out the Grow Tech section, theres a thread called the ups and downs to DWC. Theres a plethora of content in there. A quick google search suggested using about 30ml of 3% per gallon of water and ensuring you put the H2O2 in the water and swirl it then put the roots in. Don't let the H2O2 get in direct contact with the roots.
As for the water, I'd check it daily and top up as needed just to ensure water level stays where you need it! Hopefully someone else can chime in. I read another thread just now, someone was having issues with BLS in his dwc setup and a suggested was to change the nutes weekly and clean the container thoroughly during every change. This is why I suggested two buckets.
This post should be in the Grow Tech section.
You will not get a lot of information if you are not willing to do some work yourself. If you are unmotivated, don't  grow in hydro.
Here you go with a short and sweet answer. Keep your nutrient solution 1" below the net pot and top off with pH water as needed until you have replaced the original amount with just water and mix a new batch of nutrients. If you use cal mag add it first then add your nutrients. Always start off with 1/2 the recommended dose and keep your water between 68-72° with good airation. I always use hygrozyme and never had any problems with algae or anything in my rez or buckets. I don't really check the pH every day only the water I add.Just remember K.I.S.S or keep it simple silly don't over think things just keep it simple and let your plants tell you what they need.
Willard, it was meant as a joke. I have done plenty of reading but I've read conflicting things. But thanks for your helpful input! ;)

Rebel grower, the nute bottle says its recommended to use cal mag with RO water but I've just been using tap water. Should I be "resting" this tap water so the chlorine dissipates?

And the water shouldn't be below the net pots until the roots reach that far, right?
You can bring the water right up to the bottom of the net pot until roots hit the water. If you have good airation the bubbles will splash water up on the bottom of the pot. I've used cal mag with regular tap water with no problems and yea its a good idea to let the water sit uncovered for a while. If you put an air stone in the water 4 hours is good but otherwise 12 hours at the least.