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Hate to bring it up yet again but these aphids are driving me insane! I sprayed neem for weeks with no avail and went to azamax. The azamax had about the same affect as neem but didn't clear up my problem! So i reverted to ladybugs and must say they did a great job! I've been finding random stragglers here and there squashing them as i go.. I went ahead and bought another 1500 today and plan to cut about half loose even they get here and the other half in a week or two..So any how I was just in the basement and one of my best looking seedlings was covered and it set me off.. I'M DONE!!! So I'm here to ask what to buy next? I'm to the point that I don't care any more and will use what ever! I don't want to find another bug down there again! I want to flat out nuke them but don't know what the best product is to use?

Look up the life cycle of an aphid. Fact is it's too fast for the squish method to work at all - if you have one straggler today, you have hundreds in the next week or two. If you didn't already know this, here are a couple things about getting and using ladybugs (they really are the absolute best solution.)
- Get them from a dealer with a good reputation. Hard to believe, but my first order of ladybugs completely ignored the aphids - even walked right over them. Others have had the same experience. Some vendors feed the ladybugs something other than aphids, then the ladybugs seem to forget what they're supposed to eat. Got my subsequent orders from buglogical.com, and they wipe out the aphids every time.
- Don't release all the ladybugs at once. The vendor should have some instructions, but they don't all do a good job explaining things. When you get the ladybugs, you need to put them in the fridge for a bit to slow them down, then give them some cotton balls soaked in water - they really need a drink. Let them come to room temperature to find the cotton ball (put it into their container) and get a good drink. Then put them back in the fridge and after they've calmed down a bit, release only some of them. Put the rest back into the fridge when you're ready to release more or need to give them more water or food. Yes, you need to feed them. Soak a cotton ball or two in plain water, but soak another one or two in a mix of water and agave nectar or honey. Release just a few every day, or every other day. When the aphids and eggs are gone from your plants, the ladybugs will start flying around looking for more. Keep releasing them to give them maximum opportunity to find the stragglers.
- Your vendor should tell you this already, but it's worth repeating - do not put your ladybugs onto plants that have been sprayed with insecticide. The insecticide will kill them, just as it kills any other bug. If you have already sprayed, you must wait until it wears off before getting ladybugs. Some people have released ladybugs onto their insecticide-covered plants then complained when the ladybugs all died. It boggles my mind as to why this was a surprise to them....
I seem to have some lingering aphid issues on my plants the last week or so. I've applied the Organicide several times now to the afore-mentioned plants, with no success, so I just ordered some Pyrethrin and a 1-gallon pump sprayer so I'll see if the application of it helps any better than the organicide I've been using. I'm also seeing on one plant, the leaves are especially wilted, even after I did away with the broad mites I had previously, so I'll give it some Cal Mag to see if I can't bring it back to life. I'll get the stuff Friday so I'll report what results I have after I apply the Pyrethrin
Another organic believer. ;)
I've been taking some delight in watching an abundant ladybug hatch in the backyard.  At least one pair was already busy creating the next generation.
Best of luck to the OP. 
For me, the most damaging pests haven't been aphids, but flea beetles.  Those seem to have a taste for tomatillo plants . . . which is OK for the chiles but not for the chile verde.

They DO the job + they are way cool to watch.
Here in CA. I thought they died after the aphids were gone BUT,since we have no winter,they just found another place to go.
I NEVER put them outdoors but in over 5yrs. I've not seen an aphid indoors or out.Just mummies.
I wish they sold these guys in 10 packs.
10 females would produce more wasps than most indoor grows need to control ANY Aphid infestation.
They multiply FAST.
I think they cost me $95.00 back then for 250 adults.
Way more than I needed.
I was suprised when I opened the bottle.
The wasps made a bee line to my plants-ALL of them.
I've used a LOT of good guys on my plants,most you put in the general area.
These guys probably would have unscrewed the containers top themselves,They ALL went out at the same time STRAIGHT to my plants.
These guy are worth every penny.
In at least 5 yrs of seeing only a mummy outside and NO Aphids indoors.
I got a bottle of adults.
They went straight to my plants and started laying eggs/attacking.
REALLY cool to watch.
I live 2 hrs away from Tip Top Boi-round trip.
To top it off,they don't lay eggs in an Aphid another wasp already did lay an egg in.
If I remember right,I think they sell food that'll keep a few around when the aphids disappear.
They only need aphids to reproduce,not live.
I see a couple varieties sold now,they only had 1 back when I got them.
Check out the different wasps and see what they need temp. wise.
You WON"T be disappointed.
Heck sell leaves that have aphids on them to friends...before they are mummies.
Aphids do a dance once they have an egg in them.
You'll see a whole group of aphids move/sway at the same time until they are too screwed up.
You'll see what I'm talking about if you try them.
They multiply so fast that they run out of aphids fast.
I read you can use beneficial food to keep the adults around.
I used to mess with ladybugs.
They only eat a small amount and covered my walls and ceilings with Caccons or whatever ya call it.
They also decide to migrate to other places once they decide to hit the road...
It sucks,I can;t find a link to what adults eat...
Link has great pics of mummies.
Send me your Aphids,I'll gladly return then after my wasps kick but. LOL