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im ok and so are my Babies!!

hello all

im ok the power was out today from 12:30 pm till 8:00pm

had high winds and rain but for the most part my high fence slowed the wind alot there are a few plants that fell over that i must tie up, but other than that God was very merciful to me
Easton Pa is flooded its at the convergence of the Lehigh and Delaware rivers and was up in that area 38 feet this morning, so i would say we got off easy :dance:
i also wanted to post this
it was from last night before i retired to bed im not sure if anyone saw it
the eye is stalled over N. Carolina as of this posting, its moving slowly and we will be hit around 12:00 noon Sunday so the worst is yet to come
because the relative slowness in movement of this storm will mean that when i reaches my area it could last for 12 to 18 hrs, they have also estimated that there could be 5+ inches of rain and constant winds of between 35 and 50 mph not good at all
i live in an area called the LEHIGH VALLY [/b,and is part of the blue mt chain which is part of the Appalachian mt chain which generally dampens most wind, but im not too sure this time

furthermore my area has never from what i can ever remember experienced any thing of this magnitude before and most have no idea what to expect,i sure dont, again please keep this area ME AND MINE in prayer we are really going to need it
thanks for your love and concern
your friend Joe
thanks to all
Good to hear Joe, its a big storm. I'm kinda jaded from Andrew,Katrina,Rita etc...stockpiled ammunition,generator etc , my FJ exhaust/door seals are 24" off the ground...but I do remember the first time or 2 ,where I had none of that, and they can be spooky.Late advice , but at the very least, you want a full tank of gas, fully charged cell phones,good h2o proof flash light w/x batteries, and a firearm(If you don't agree with firearms,at least have a can of pepper spray or wasp poison spray w/15-20 range-the last works better than pepper spray, and will temp blind an assailant immediately).We can go 24-48 w/out h2o/food pretty easy, but as without power-you can not summon emergency help or police-and can get serious in a hurry.
On a lighter note....I hope that peach bhut made it ok!
Your friend
Dave J
thanks again to all

i wasn't scared just more concerned for others, had my little Shailynn on my mind as well as my entire family and friends
nothing came of it and by the grace of God everyone is fine

yes all my peppers are fine they where protected by the house and the high security fence that was put in last year, the peach bhuts fared very well, i had picked what i had ripe just about a day prior to ther storm to save them for you guys so to speak

im sorry im poking about posting them but there not dry enough yet and its going to be a busy next two weeks for me
what with work and i have to make a ton of hot sauce for the chile fest coming up

thanks so much for your love and concern

your friend Joe