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I'm returning from the disabled list!

I was playing injured for a few months, but it took me a while to figure out the cause of my ailment:

Sometime at the beginning of the summer, I lost a filling in my front teeth. The void left where the filling was, created sharp edges. I would "play" with the deformity by running my tongue alongside the extra space. This abraded and slightly cut the tip of my tongue, which was in a permanent extra sensitive state. Eating even mildly hot peppers would cause an unusual amount of pain in the tongue. Today, I had the filling replaced. I will shortly place myself off of the disabled list, and will pick up reviewing some superhots that I placed in the freezer.
Ya don't want to pull a muscle.....ya better start your training off with a regiment of sweet bells and work your way back... :welcome: Welcome back....
Ya don't want to pull a muscle.....ya better start your training off with a regiment of sweet bells and work your way back...
IDK, the kid has some superhot capability already in reserve. I wouldn't send him down to the minor league. Heck, he might even be ready for the playoffs.... :cool:
Yea....guess your right...all he needs is the bases loaded...down by 3 in the bottom o the ninth....he should be fine.....I like a come back...lol