indoor-growing Indoor pepper growing

It is easy and low cost to maintain peppers indoors throughout the season.
We are able to plant seeds very early, trade cuttings and seeds with others through mail year round.



This larger Peach Habanaro plant has had two cuttings taken from it.

The is one of the cuttings.
It does not require x amount of days before making peppers.

Isis Candy and Purple Cherry tomato did not like the Neem spray.
Mosquito dunks were added to water for the BTi to handle the fungus gnats in the soil.


Hey Nute can you tell me when to transplant seedlings into aero/hydroponic, when there are more leaves other than the seed leaf or can I transplant now?
Got some red habd soaking right now! I just love having seeds in dirt.
Ahhhhhhhh! *sighs* thanks for a most worthy reason to!

What are you looking for cuttings of Nute? I may sprout some of those for trade purposes.
Nute would I be able to find the pin sprayer heads anywhere else but at a hydroponics place ... I went to HD last night and the guy had no idea what I was talking about so I was thinking of garden ceters or something I havent gone to a Sears where they are carrying the counter-top hydro setups for nutrients and such ...the nearest Hydro place is a 1/2 hour drive one way and I hate to go for sprayer heads, netted cups etc... but if I have to
I am just trying to help. I am sure you know a lot more than me about it! But just to put it out there, my buddy made an aeroponic setup with just pinholes pricked in the supply lines to mist the roots. It worked great.
No cuttings needed right now I have a resume out and not sure if I will be moving.

What I have posted is way easier than anything with misters.
It is a pond or fountain pump which fills a tub from the bottom at least once a day. When the pump is off the water runs out. See ebb and flow systems on google. Use 1 inch cubes with the round rocks in pots.

Life seems easier with some nice soil and miracle grow.
Nurserys do not carry high quality fertilizers because soil allows ammonia nitrogen to break down and the public is ignorant of the heavy metals and inorganic effects supposedly. They do not have the gel which makes cuttings easier than with powder.

Videos of two easy to make hydro systems:

There are LED lights out now that only take about 16watts which could work on four 6 inch pots.