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indoor Indoor Plants Have to Get Out

Well I'm not happy to say my inside pepper growing season has come to an end. Four of the five plants are covered with small buds and flowers but no peppers. I don't think they're getting pollinated. I have a fan running 24/7 and I shake the stems often but all I'm getting is flowers on the floor and taller plants.

Before I set them out I staked them up good, fed and watered them and gave them a pep talk.

This is the 7 Pod Barrackpore.

7 Pod Yellow. The stake is six feet tall.

Here's the Bhut Jolokia. It grew right on past the top of the 6ft tall stake.

Not sure what the thing on my face is.

Then I got eye to eye with the BJ. I'm 6'4" tall.
Hey Patrick. they'll probably be happier outside, but don't give up on indoor hope if you really want indoor plants. I have a few indoors that have lots of peppers, including ripe ones on them already. The flower drop is definitely going to be more indoors, but finger or paint brush pollinating works wonders as it pretty much ensures pollination.

those are some tall plants!!! if they fill out they'll be record breakers and you have lots of time so I'm really curious to see how they look in a month from now.

here's my indoor "scotch bonnet (aka Pepper Joes orange hab) that is further ahead of most of my outdoors plants and only in a 1 gallon pot.
I don't use the expensive lights, just CFL's and regular florescent "grow" lights from Walmart. I was hoping those and a few hours of sun through the windows would be enough to grow a few peppers. I'm kind of surprised the fan and me shaking the stems wasn't enough to pollinate the leaves. One evening I used my finger. Felt like a smoke after that night. Live and learn.

lazienfat thank you.

Ballz that Orange Scotch habanbonnet looks quite tasty.
They certainly look healthy with great colour, Patrick...

Perhaps a soft paintbrush or similar? I imagine you will have an explosion of pods once they do kick in, though!

Good luck.
Patrick, I'm not sure they are pepper plants. Look tall enough to be CORN. And if you want to pollinate them, then don't detassel em.
I pollinated my Rocoto with a Q-tip and my pinky -- when the blossums are open I go out and dittle the flowers my wife thinks I have lost it when she sees that.
Hey Patrick
The plants look awesome!. I tried with the regular florecent lights a few years ago in the basement.
The chinenses did nothing although they were nice and healthy. But its not enough light. The only thing that produced although not much was a lemon drop. A window will work wonders if they are there all day.
A south or west window should do the trick.
Good luck!!
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

The growing medium is Pro Mix BX with added perlite, worm castings and Alaskan humus. They were getting half dose of 10-15-10 Shultz's ferts then when I potted them up into their current containers I fed them one time with half a dose of Old Age 12-6-6 and the past month they've had two feedings of Chili Focus which is 2-1-4.

Once they start to produce buds I knock off the nitrogen. I'm fairly certain they got so leggy due to the only light they were getting was from a window that was several feet away. When I moved them closer and set up all the other lights behind them they started to grow slightly bushier. One reason they look so leggy in the photos is I have all the branches tied up to the stake. No doubt about it though, they are some leggy mothers.
Whenever I can't get my indoor plants to set pods it's usually too hot in the room from the Fluoros ballasts.
In the winter they set buds easily.Past May/June they don't seem to want to.
Once my kitchen gets to be a steady 80 degrees or higher they won't set.
You might want to consider topping the heck out of those plants in attempt to make them bushier, and with lower light levels you can probably back way off the nutrients, especially nitrogen
You might want to consider topping the heck out of those plants in attempt to make them bushier, and with lower light levels you can probably back way off the nutrients, especially nitrogen

POTAWIE, my last post I explained my fertilizing routine with these, I don't use much nitrogen at all once buds and flowers begin showing up. They're out in the sun now, slowly hardening them off. I'm not going to top them, I've got several normal ones already growing. These are for fun now, I want to see how big I can get them to grow.

Thanks for the advice.