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Infected peppers themselves--what would you do?

Just wondering what you guys do, or would recommend doing, to "infected" peppers. By that, I mean peppers themselves (not the plants/leaves) that have dark spots indicating fungal infection, or even something more like bacterial spot. I'm thinking in case of fungal infection/dark spots, just remove the infected areas... but what about bacterial spot on the peppers?

Reason I ask is... I've noticed peppers with both problems. Is it dumb to waste these peppers, or should they immediately be plucked and discarded? By now I'm used to removing bacterial spot-infected leaves to reduce the spread and figure BS-infected peppers should be removed ASAP too to prevent spreading, but if BS-infected peppers themselves are removed, are they still safe to use? Should they be trashed, or remove the clearly-infected spots and use the rest? I've already just tossed a couple immature Caribbean Reds, and I'm just wondering if I should stop and just pick them early and use... though I hate to pick in the green stage. :mad:
I, personally, wouldn't use them. And, at the very least, I'd remove the pods to reduce any possible risk of spreading whatever disease it may be. But I'm curious as too what more experienced people would have to say.
I, personally, wouldn't use them. And, at the very least, I'd remove the pods to reduce any possible risk of spreading whatever disease it may be. But I'm curious as too what more experienced people would have to say.
So far, that's what I've been doing. I've been plucking any BS-infected peppers and tossing them several yards away (ironically, it can be amusing tossing peppers...). I figure the "dark-spotted" peppers (which probably have some fungal infection) aren't quite as infectious as the bacterial spot ones. Still not sure what should be done though.
I agree with the fun in tossing peppers. Do the same thing with my tomatoes when they seem a bit too funky.

Exactly how many peppers is this happening to? Are all the ones on certain plants coming out that way? And is it possible that some of the ones with the soft spots be a result of sun scald?
I agree with the fun in tossing peppers. Do the same thing with my tomatoes when they seem a bit too funky.
Heh... and I thought I was the only one finding it amusing tossing peppers. :lol: Glad I'm not alone. :P

Exactly how many peppers is this happening to? Are all the ones on certain plants coming out that way? And is it possible that some of the ones with the soft spots be a result of sun scald?
Well, they're not really soft spots. They're little brown raised spots in patches. And while this bacterial crap seems to have taken over my entire garden, so far it's only infected the actual peppers of my Caribbean Red (or at least I hope it hasn't gone any further...). So far it's mostly infecting the leaves.
If you do have BS (I do love the acronym) in the garden then you will expect some damage to the peppers. BS is hard to maintain, as you're obviously aware of from having to pick leaves.

I only hope you don't have to lose any more peppers. Bad peppers are a terrible and depressing thing.

A picture of an infected pepper would help narrow down the possibilities. How do the insides look?
Thats a good questions, I have two plants that seem to have an infection of some sort, black spots all over and massive leaf drop. I removed them from the rest of the plants. I was going to get rid of them, is the expensive soil mix they are in good or do I have to get rid of the dirt also?
Where are the black spots located? Leaves or on peppers? Do the leaves curl and drop or do they yellow and drop?

Reason I ask is, my habanero had small black spots on the leaves and on some of the fruit, and the leaves curled up. A simple soap and water mix helped it a great deal and I kept it segregated for a while. Over time it improved. I never found what caused it though. And it seems to be happening again. Could just be the heat curling the leaves though.
They started on the stem and moved to the leaves and once that happened they dropped right away. Haven't checked them in a couple weeks lol.