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seeds Info on germinating and tranfering to soil.

Hi Guys,

i have been trying to germinate seeds in scott towel / zipploc technique

i started my stuff last week maybe wednesday.

1 have 3 sample group
goes like this

approx 9 seeds of Chocolate fatalii
approx 6 seeds of butch T
approx 5 seeds of Peach but.

so far i already have
5 choc Fatallii that grew with a small white tail (root)
and 1 peach bhut.
very proud in a so short period of time for some roots :) :)

Ok i have taken those choc fatalii seeds (5 of them) and drop them in same bowl of soil (carfully dropp in small hole and covered with soil (just slightly) and i have use a sprayer to humidify the soil.
after that i have put a ziploc bag over this bowl to make a local greenhouse.

Does this technique seems good so far?

tonight will try to transplant my seed of peach bhut from scott towel to soil the same way. should i be warned for something a this step?

everything is done indoor (since here winter is coming ;) average of 11C outside!
so far one more choc fatalii and one more peach bhut seeds that grew a root :)

i can also see 2 of my choc in soil showing up no leaves yet but at least there is a part outside the soil :)

cant wait to see the same thing for the peach bhut!
and hope to see some butch t rooting... so far nothing

i will keep you update

6/9 fatalii (choc) worked
2/5 peach bhut
0/6 Butch T trinidad scorp.
Very nice! Hopefully those Butch T's start up soon too. I just had the fortune of seeing my first sprout, but I started in a Jiffy pellet. I so far have 2 sprouts of 12, I hope that my figures get closer to what you've got.
yesterday i went and bought a heat mat. that should help a lot the germination rate!

for now that are on the top of my dvd player which produce a bit of heat....

with a heat mat (those for lizards and spiders) that should profite a constant 28C for my soil !!!
this week end i will start more variety.

i will post news from that!
yesterday i went and bought a heat mat. that should help a lot the germination rate!

for now that are on the top of my dvd player which produce a bit of heat....

with a heat mat (those for lizards and spiders) that should profite a constant 28C for my soil !!!
this week end i will start more variety.

i will post news from that!

DVD player, sat or cable box will work, be careful if there are vents on top (not to overheat the equip, nor to spill liquid in)...... :eek: