Interior Decorating the Chile way....

Hopefully the best of my Chiles now prepared to over-hurricane Dorian...
Significant other,, not so happy. Told her, wait till I finish with 2 more racks of Chiles 'decorations...


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acs1 said:
Hopefully the best of my Chiles now prepared to over-hurricane Dorian...
Significant other,, not so happy. Told her, wait till I finish with 2 more racks of Chiles 'decorations...
With all the news coverage up here I can't imagine there's anything on tv down there?
Thanks guys...
Storm didn't amount to much for me here in sFL, had much worse thunder storms all summer long. Hard to know this with all the media hype.
 But bringing plants into a cool a/c area with lots less sunshine seems to have had a positive influence on them. Who would have known..? Fruits have never ripened so fast. See below pic, these were total green Fatalii when brought inside 3 days ago... And flowers seem to be springing up everywhere. Taking them back outside this morning for some real sun...
Spending most of my adult life here is sFL I've learned,  if the media hype tells us the hurricane is bearing down on your house 5 days before based on the "models/cone" there won't be a direct hit on you. If you are outside of where there will be a direct hit 5 days ahead of time but within a few hundred miles watch out.
 The level of confusion about this 700 mile wide cone, a week before the storm hits, drives many (new?) residents into a frenzy. Creating new levels of rudeness. Fights over water, gas, etc, road rage at the highest I've ever seen it, crazy stuff not needed imo.... I'm all for being prepared, but don't participate in the media fueled frenzy.  I'm always prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. This last minute frenzy fueled by the media imo is not needed. Florida, a hurricane prone area, all living here should be well prepared for it well before hurricane season starts, imo...
As most now know with msm continuous coverage, my friends in the Abacos didn't fair as well as sFloridians have. My prayers go out to them....


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acs1 said:
Thanks guys...
Spending most of my adult life here is sFL I've learned,  if the media hype tells us the hurricane is bearing down on your house 5 days before based on the "models/cone" there won't be a direct hit on you. If you are outside of where there will be a direct hit 5 days ahead of time but within a few hundred miles watch out.
 The level of confusion about this 700 mile wide cone, a week before the storm hits, drives many (new?) residents into a frenzy. Creating new levels of rudeness. Fights over water, gas, etc, road rage at the highest I've ever seen it, crazy stuff not needed imo.... I'm all for being prepared, but don't participate in the media fueled frenzy.  I'm always prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. This last minute frenzy fueled by the media imo is not needed. Florida, a hurricane prone area, all living here should be well prepared for it well before hurricane season starts, imo...
As most now know with msm continuous coverage, my friends in the Abacos didn't fair as well as sFloridians have. My prayers go out to them....
I can't imagine the HYPE Floridians experience at times kike this. Just this morning our New England news agency is reporting IF the Dorian will affect  the Boston airport as it passes an estimated 150 miles offshore! Of course the "cone of uncertainty" could bring it closer we are repeatedly told..... And we all know how this  cone DIDN'T cross FL mainland just a few days ago!
Your a good father to those babies acs1. You wont be changing diapers no more and they'll be off to college soon.