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Introduced a few newbies to super hots

Brought one of my reapers(which are still producing immature, small pods, with not full heat potential, no seeds, no real placenta) to a new years eve party at my uncles last night.  I would put these definitely above hab's on the heat level, but not by much.  Maybe the high end of a hab which is what? 300k?
Got my cousin and my uncles husband to eat a small piece each.
This is what was left.  I would say we each ate pieces about the size of the very bottom piece.  Not quite 1 cm x .5 cm.

My 16 year old cousin lasted 2 minutes and started to freak out a little and went to the milk.  He said if he did it again he would be able to go the whole time.  He almost ate a second piece about an hour later to "prove his manliness".
My uncles husband went the whole 5 minutes, but after about 4 said the heat was tapering off.  He got a little endorphin rush he says, but I think it was more of an adrenaline rush vs. real endorphin rush.  I dont think these little pods are hot enough for long enough to get the rush, at least not for me.
Both said they would eat them again now that they know what they would be in for.  They said that was the worst part, not knowing what the burn was going to be like.  I just said "it might hurt, but it wont kill you".
I think I am getting used to the heat, but not the flavor.  I dont find the flavor of the Chinense all that appealing.  Maybe once my plants produce mature pods the flavor will change a bit.
Reapers are delicious!  There are other chinense varieties that taste really good though.  You should try the yellow 7 pod because it has insane heat and pineapplely chinense flavor that is absolutely decadent, but that is just my opinion.  :P