Introducing Mr Jalapena Gigante

suppose to be huge Jalapenas, but i am not sure first year growing them, i hope they are huge and hot i love to stuff these and then put them on the grill,:drooling: damn mouth is watering thinking about it LOL
Right on!

My favorite way is actually ripe red, smoked, dried, and ground into powder on some pork ribs!

Poppers rock too. Let us know how they do. I am interested to hear if they produce 6 or 7 huge ones, or if they still produce really well despite the larger fruit.
Ah, like these?


QuadShotz said:
Ah, like these?


Nope. I'm growing the Gigantia, and they're supposed to be 5 and a half inches long. much bigger than yours.
Yours seem to be normal, yet big Jalapeños.
i have the problem of eating them before i can get them back to the house lol i love these things like a fat kid in a candy store