Is anyone in Ausralia growing hot/specialty chillis commercially?

Hi All,

Just wondering if there are any commercial growers of hot :mouthonfire: chillis in Oz. (By hot, I mean habs, nagas, fatalis, etc. not birds eyes)

Any answers would be appreciated.

Auschilli seems to be the main player for Habs. Although I heard that they lost their crop in the recent flooding up north qld.
As far as I know no one is growing the Nagas in commercial quantities.

there the only commercial one.
only orange and red habs, jalapenos, birdeyes and herbs.
also some minor players growing jals cayenne chilli ball etc

thats why we are all trying to grow the exotics.

thats we ie me and my family are trying to set up a commercial exotics range even just to keep up with my sauceconsumption.
Australias in the dark ages man.
