Is burning some outer leaves worth it?

Edited the title as I originally said "other levers," when I meant to say, "outer leaves."
I added 26 CFLs to my lighting setup.  I want to get as much light as possible onto the plants so I am keeping them close.  As a result I have fried some of the outer leaves which I will be cutting off.  Is it better for my plants to have the lights closer at the risk of killing a few leaves, or should I move the CFLs farther away?
I 2nd that.  A little more distance doesn't matter much providing you have reflectiev panels around them so the max amount of light possible bounces back and hits leaves.
Have to go with Dave, light doesn't get weaker in a coupe of inches but it does indeed dispurse very fast. Use a white or reflective background to "save" it. Burning leaves is never worth it..