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Is there a fungus among us?

What's going on here?
My first thought is chimera, but then I'm hesitating at that. Is it just the one plant doing that or are there others? I'd definitely suggest isolating it from others, just in case it's something else. But tell us more:
- How many and what size drain holes are in the cup?
- What soil/mix is in the cup?
- What are you feeding it, how much, and how often?
- Can you give us a pic of the plant from the side?
- Is there any stem damage?
- Are the black spots on the young leaf just soil, or are they now part of the leaf structure?
- Have you inspected for tiny insects (using a jeweler's loupe preferrably, or at least a magnifying lens)?
- Are you letting the soil get fairly dry between waterings?
- Do you have a fan on the plants?
Any other info you can provide is appreciated, as well.
geeme said:
My first thought is chimera, but then I'm hesitating at that. Is it just the one plant doing that or are there others? I'd definitely suggest isolating it from others, just in case it's something else. But tell us more:
- How many and what size drain holes are in the cup? 3 5/16" holes
- What soil/mix is in the cup? Promix BX
- What are you feeding it, how much, and how often? Only did 1 feeding of a 4-10-3 root stimulator about 3 weeks ago at 1/4 strength
- Can you give us a pic of the plant from the side?
- Is there any stem damage? no
- Are the black spots on the young leaf just soil, or are they now part of the leaf structure? top and bottom of the leaf
- Have you inspected for tiny insects (using a jeweler's loupe preferrably, or at least a magnifying lens)?  Don't have one.  I have only seen gnats  
- Are you letting the soil get fairly dry between waterings? yes only water every 4-5 days or if the cups are really light
- Do you have a fan on the plants? yes
Any other info you can provide is appreciated, as well.  I just had them outside for the first time Sunday.  I just noticed it today while I was trimming bottom leaves and watering.  I watered with H2O diluted in and also sprayed the leaves with the same diluted water.
Ozzy2001 said:
 I watered with H2O diluted in and also sprayed the leaves with the same diluted water.
Water diluted with water!  Awesome!  Sorry had to troll that one... :P
I know you said no stem damage, but I see something.  Right below the cut node I see the same black spots on the stem.  Is it just me?