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Is there...

Does anyboy know if there is a fertilizer, organic or none organic, that will make the peppers get more spice oil in them? is there a technique or something that will make them hotter? I grew some red savinas but they were not that hot, also beacuse they were probably not the original red savinas, but come on, an Habanero is an habanero, they have to be hot!!!!! LOl
Red Savinas are pretty average in heat for an habanero. They usually test around 250,000 as far as I know. Orange, chocolate, white, and Devil's Tongue habaneros seem to test about 100,000-150,000 units higher on average. I wouldn't expect them to be as hot as an orange habanero, which I'm guessing is what you're used to.

But stressing them, especially with lack of water, will make them hotter like others have said.
more heat for the plants,the longer the pods get a basking in the sun the better and let them wilt a bit b4 giving them a drink. hmm add sulfur ?
Stress, as in letting the soil go dry and then watering???

That, and letting them get more heat after the pods have set are the two easiest ways to stress a plant. Last year I had a Fresno plant that put out an almost sweet pepper in the spring and come summer time it had me hiccuping and drooling. Only difference was the time of the year.