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pests Is this a beneficial bug or bad guy???

This guy's been residing on one of my Red Carib plants in the back of the house....I think he's a good guy, but not sure...anybody know??

Looks like an Assassin Bug nymph.
Beneficial, but apparently they can bite and it says the bite hurts like hell.
Zelis Longipes
Milkweed Assassin Bug.
According to www.whatsthatbug.com


Zelus longipes, is known as a Milkweed Assassin Bug, though it is not typically associated with Milkweed. Both wingless nymphs and winged adults feed on soft bodied insects like caterpillars, and they are generally thought of as beneficial in the garden where they feed on armyworms and cucumber beetle larvae. If carelessly handled, Milkweed Assassin Bugs might bite and the bite is reported to be painful.
I found one of those on a Bhut yesterday so I googled it and came up with this pic of one eating an aphid and thats all I needed to know :D

OOPS! I had one yesterday that looked like that and I killed it. I was churning up some dirt in one of my pots and I thought it came out of the dirt.