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Is this a black naga

Hi Noah, Did yours go straight from green to red? I have heard of black nagas coming up red.  Douglahs can do the same apparently.  I guess red is dominant and if there is any instability it will come through.
The purple might be some sun induced color.  It will be interesting to see if they ultimately go brown.  It has purple branches etc which further leads me to suspect it is a cross.
My Black Naga pods start black/dark purple (in strong sun) for a long time, then green and finally red.
Here is one in the black/purple stage and another starting to turn green.

Then fully ripe and red.

This my first time growing them so didn't really know what to expect.  Many purple/black varieties ripen red.  I just assumed they were meant to do this.
I ordered my seeds from semillas
I will check when my seeds came from, it could have been semillas. I expected them to go green and then to red from the images I had seen.  If they end up red I will be a little disappointed even if just though my lack of what the black naga is. I will update here if mine end up red which now seems likely.
My pods never went through a black stage.  Its funny... I grew out several varieties of naga last year... the dorset naga, black naga, naga viper, naga morich, and king naga... and the only one to grow true was the naga viper.  All of the others were very different looking and colored from the pictures on the seed company websites.
JJJessee said:
I was given seed for black nagas last year and grew out 3 or 4 plants. They all started green and ended like this.

and were quite hot.
I checked the semillas site and these look like the picture they have.  Mine don't match.  Another NOT :(
Just confirmed my seeds were from Fatalii.  My pods are identical to Megamoos purple/green ones so I hope they don't end up red. The plant is quite small but very productive, I am looking forward to testing the pods/