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Is this a disease or just an overfert case?


After severail attempts to grow chillies I decided to try to grow them using an hydroponic system (DWC). After one month everything was going great but the plants gradually started to curl leaves up and small black dots appeared.

Some leaves are also turning yellow and I don't understand why.



Since I have multiple plants in different stages of growth I mixed veg and bloom fertilizers. I'm not sure if the was the cause (specially because I've been using this mix almost from the beginning and these problems only appeared last week).

Another possibility is the lack of micronutrients. Does anyonw knows a goody source of micronutrients? Thanks!
before adding any micronutrients, what products are you using right now, and at what rates? that looks like an under ferting issue.
before adding any micronutrients, what products are you using right now, and at what rates? that looks like an under ferting issue.

Hello queequeg152,

The vegetative phase fertilizer I was using has an NPK ratio of 8-2-6 and the blooming phase fertilizer is 2-6-3.5.

Since I wasn't sure of what could cause this I've flushed the roots and cleaned the the buckets. After refilling them with fresh water I added a few ml of H2O2 and used ONLY the veg fertilizer according to the instructions on the bottle.

I hope it's not too late to recover the plants! :-(
do you know the EC of the water? they look deficient.
also what brand of fertilizer? is it like... seaweed or whatever. or salts.
do you know the EC of the water? they look deficient.
also what brand of fertilizer? is it like... seaweed or whatever. or salts.

I'm still wating for the EC meter to be delivered... :( It was given to me by a friend. I don't have them here but I think that they are from Biobizz.

Leaves curling up is usually a sign of to much water. Maybe holding to much in ur soil or what ever ur using
That depends on your definition of "too much" water. This is a DWC system so the roots are under water. But that shouldn't be a problem since I'm using two air stones which is more than enough for a tiny space with less than 2 galons. ;-)

Anyway, after the yesterday's flush I think I've seen leaves getting back to their regular form.
do you know the EC of the water? they look deficient.
also what brand of fertilizer? is it like... seaweed or whatever. or salts.

OK the tds meter arrived and it is showing around 280ppm right now. I did a quick test with it and it shows 65ppm with tap water and about 35ppm after passing it through a water jug (with a carbon filter) so it looks like it is working. I know that this is a very low value but I'm afraid of killing my little plants :-(