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Is this a hungarian hot wax?

This pepper is supposed to be a Hungarian hot wax, but I'm not sure it is. I tested one (the one top left in the first picture) and it had no heat at all, yet the other types of pepper I'm growing are in the same environment and packing heat. Even an Anaheim brought tears to my eyes.

Well, after the dissapointment of there being no heat I quite like this pepper and will definitely be growing it again next season to use in salads. So, it wasn't a waste of effort nurturing it, I just like to know what it is.

The taste definitely resembles celery with maybe a hint of apple.

The texture: It has a very thick, crunchy and juicy flesh.



Here is a picture of the whole plant in a 6" pot.

Can anybody identify this pepper?
The colour and shape look right but the plant and leaves don't. I have 3 hungarians and most of the peppers grow upright or sideways instead of downwards. They should have some heat to them as i think they are just a bit lower on the scale than serranos but they won't be increadibly hot.


After some searching on the net, it's possible that they might be sweet banana peppers. Where did you get them from?
Ours were Yellow. (more like TA2F's) They were never green. They went straight from yellow to red. Yours look kind of green. But I am not a pepper specialist. I'm just sayin what ours were like...

I'm wondering about your Anaheims. tears to your eyes? Anaheims are like 2 steps up from a bell pepper...

I hope this helps?!

Good luck!
Thanks both for your input.

I had wondered about the direction these peppers grow but I'd seen some pictures throughout the internet of the HHW growing peppers down and some growing upward like yours. So, I never knew which is right or whether this is normal for these peppers to grow which ever way it wants.

In your picture it looks like where the stem meets the fruit it doesn't look as chunky as in my picture. Can't be the same pepper!

Scoville DeVille:
Yeah they are a very pale green, certainly not the yellow I've seen around.

Ahh... the Anaheim. It's probably just me can't take the heat from a freshly picked pepper, I'm a novice with chillies and this is the first time I've attempted growing my own. I was ok biting into the flesh, it was when I bit into the part that the seeds are attached.

Just for reference... this is a couple of close-ups of the Anaheim the pepper came from when it was green.


Here's a picture of the whole plant, again in a 6" pot.

Keep the replies coming, I like to know what I'm eating :)
Um... I'm thinking that's no Aneheim. Looks a bit more like Cayenne. which would explain the heat. Aneheims are about 8 inches (20 cm) long and about as big around at the top as a golf ball, and are always green, and not hot, seriously, a new born puppy could eat one. They definetly look good whatever they are!!!!!
On Sunday I ate the ripe red one (in the picture in my first post). It went in with a salad and definately had no heat. It still tasted great though and I've put it down that I have a banana wax instead of hot wax.

Scoville DeVille:
I can understand what you mean about it looking more like a cayenne, and it is the thinnest chilli on both my same plants.

Both me and my GF are new to the world of chillies and we both prefered mild heat in meals so I still think it's me that can't handle the heat. The GF on the other hand is developing a crave for the heat. She is starting to eat my Demon reds for fun whereas I can only bite into one for an extreme facial expression. :mouthonfire: She's now waiting for the Tabasco to ripen, we'll see what happens there.

Maybe my chillies are hotter than average; I'm quite careful with the amount of water I give my plants and never let the top of the soil get wet. I water from the bottom and let the pot dry out to just before wilt stage. I'm sure this helps increase the heat of chillies.

Here's a pic of the other Anaheim plant I have which is twice as thick.

Thanks S.S.Tupperware, next season I shall be potting them slightly bigger from 1.7 litre to 2.3 litre so they still fit in the same outer pot and on my window sill. Hopefully I might get 1 or 2 more chillies out of them.

No, no turtles were harmed in the growing of these chillies. lol. All my peppers, apart from the Tabasco, are this shiny. I thought it was normal.