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Is this a termite!?

I found these little buggers lurking around some of my plants today:


Termites? They were actually quite large; about 1cm / 1/2 inch. If they are termites, what would they be wanting from my plants? Do they pose a threat to my plants?

Of course, that's the least of my problems at this very moment... was attacked by possums last night. Lost literally 1/2 my crop of new seedlings (left with just stems), all my bigger plants were stripped of their new growth, and lost most my explosive ember and black pearl pods (all but one or two lonely survivors). I am burning so bad right now (not in a good way). Looks like I'll be off to the hardware tomorrow in search of supplies to build some big-ass cages for my plants. I have spent a fortune so far on these plants and still getting nowhere! hahaha (one thing after another).
Novacastrian said:
Could be a termite queen or king. I cannot see any threat to your plants.

Yeah, that's what I thought... but after walking outside in the morning and seeing the damage, it didn't stop me from blaming them initially. Of course, it didn't make sense (leaves and fruit eaten? doesn't sound like termites to me), so after a little bit of research, I'm almost certain damage was caused by possums. Apparently eating seedlings and leaving stems, eating new growth, and eating fruits are all possum trademarks. I know for a fact there was a possum rustling around earlier in the night.... I always hear the little sh*ts but thought nothing of it (never had a problem before).