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Is this a Thai Pepper ?

I bought this plant as a Thai Pepper but I'm not 100% sure its a Thai pepper plant. The peppers are 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch. 


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Looks like it to me, commonly called the "rat turd" chili amongst my friends of Vietnamese ancestry.  This was the first year I didnt grow any, picking all those little chili is pain staking at times.  I dont see how people do it with the Tepin, I guess the reward is worth it. 
OK Thanks this is my first year growing peppers and they seemed a little small compared to the Thai peppers I've seen in my food at the Thai restaurants. Thanks !
FYI- my wife loves this little plant because its small and the colorful peppers. So I put it into a small clay pot and will bring it inside for the winter.