Is this anything to worry about?

I have had some white streaks along the branches of my hab plant for a few months now. The leaves have never shown any problems, so I haven't bothered to worry. I brought it inside for a couple days where temps dropped below 32, and moved it back out a few days later for some sun. Now a few leaves have brown at the tips, but I'm not sure if that has to do with it sitting in some lowish temps (I believe it did get down to 39 or so while it was out). 
This poor plant spent a few months too long in a solo cup, so it has been very limited, but I thought I might overwinter it since the first few pods were red and quite flavorful. They were cheapy seeds from Dollar Tree, so I'm sure there is plenty of room for genetic problems and more. I only water when I notice soil is drying out, and with the rain we've had I haven't really bothered. I last fertilized with fish emulsion about 2.5 weeks ago, and time in between ferts has been sporatic at best. 
Sorry pics are extremely bright and big. I don't think the leaves are looking as overly yellow as in the pics. 

Yeah, temps like that are not good for extented periods but a lot has to do with the health of the plant when it get subjected to those temps.
You have what appears to be a 4-5 gal bucket half full of media essentially your plant is growing in a 2-2.5 gal container. Although this can be done, it is more work to keep it healthy and productive then it is to keep it in a larger container that is full.
What are you growing it in as far as media goes?
If you are over wintering it, Cut it back, stop feeding and only water very sparingly. Place it where it is going to get light but less of it. Remember, overwintering is a process of forced dormancy from a lack of environmental factors and a reduced need for them.
New growth looks good, maybe pull off the the few chilies you have to promote more new growth. Give it some TLC and it should be fine. Watch out for pests as stressed plants are much more susceptible to infestations.
Haha, I think I did with that pot about the same as I do with my first cup of coffee in the morning-- I thought it was fuller than it was. I'm so pathetically new to this, I was a bit afraid of overfilling it. But putting it simply like that, it makes more sense to pay attention to actually filling my pot. I used cheap Pennington (I believe) potting mix from Walmart with a little perlite added in. Since it was a "just because" beginning, I didn't want to spend any money, and bought the cheapest stuff I can find to play with. This year I think I will try making my own mix.
I admit, I am a bit nervous about accidentally cutting back too much. I've read the overwintering guide, and it gives me a bit more courage! 