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pests Is this aphid poop? Black tarring/spotty areas on Black Stinger.

I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this plant. It's a recent transplant and I don't believe it had the spots when I transplanted it. It is among several other peppers of similar size and age which do not have this problem. The spots seem to be appearing on new growth and the older leaves don't seem to have it, aside from one of the top large leaves. Photos here:
Closeup of the spotting: http://i.imgur.com/9WkzMg9.jpg
Picture of the overall plant: http://i.imgur.com/j0B3AdK.jpg
Thanks in advance for your help!

Usually aphids just leave a sticky "dew" behind... I've never seen them leave black spots. The plants look pretty good to me.
sunburn, fert burn, maybe fungus.
if foliar feeding, don't do it in the sun.
Could also be environmental pollution--airborn.
Yep I have a few plants with the same problem. Its not an issue of foliar feeding or nute Burns sense I have it on plants that have and haven't been fed nutes. But mine didn't happen after transplanting. I'm hoping someone has an accurate. Answer up what this is. Iwas told it could be bls but copper sulfer spray didn't help AT all. All mine with the issue are in pots and I've been feeding with aact and water. 2 plants that had it worst I flushed the soil with hose water so I flushed all nutes and killed the microhizae w the chlorine.in our water.. and for some reason the new growth has stopped having spots. Super confused hopefully someone has an answer to these spots!
Could my tea be no good? Bad bacteria from the tea?
Also only certain plant's are getting it yet they're fed with the same stuff.
Someone plz help us out!! And thanks in advance!
Are you watering the soil or the leaves? That is, are you being careful to only water the soil around the plant, avoiding pouring water on your plant (which can aid in bacterial infections and sunburns)?
Thanks for the help, guys. I'll throw in some further info.
I did 10 transplants last weekend, all of them were from the same nursery and looked healthy. They were transplanted and left in the shade for 4 days and then brought out this last Weds into full sun. I transplanted them into Edna's Best Organic Potting Soil in 7 gallon grow bags. The only thing that was added to the potting soil was a tablespoon of Epsom Salts. During transplant I would take the plants out of their original plastic containers and quickly soak the roots in a solution of 1 gallon water with 1 teaspoon Superthrive, then plant in the grow bag.
The other 9 plants look good and don't seem to have this problem, just this one plant. Earlier this week I noticed a new aphid infestation throughout my garden so I sprayed with Permethrin and the aphids seem to be going away.
edit: ms1476, yes I have a little shower wand I get down and soak the soil around the plant trying to avoid watering the foliage.
I just pruned a couple of leaves on my plants that looked just like that , it could be sunburn or fungus . I wanted to be safe since I wasn't sure so I just snipped them off just in case it was fungus . I don't water the leaves but I do foliar feed them cal mag plus every now and then .
I think I'm gonna grab a copper/streptomycin spray and give her a few blasts and see what happens just in case it is fungal/bacterial, I'll make extra sure not to get water on the leaves too. We'll see what happens - thanks guys!