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Is this wrong?

Is it wrong that I'm using my kid's paint ball gun to shoot the raccoons with? They keep trying to get into the the attic of our house, but the wifey thinks it's not right to shoot them with that. She got mad when I put a bunch of rat traps around the house to change their minds. I can't shoot them with a real gun because I'm in city limits and they have "shot spotter" here. County Vector Control even told me to kill then BBQ them. She didn't find that amusing at all. So I'm at a loss here.... Should I turn the paint gun on her????

Comments please......
scarpetti said:
Is it wrong that I'm using my kid's paint ball gun to shoot the raccoons with? They keep trying to get into the the attic of our house, but the wifey thinks it's not right to shoot them with that. She got mad when I put a bunch of rat traps around the house to change their minds. I can't shoot them with a real gun because I'm in city limits and they have "shot spotter" here. County Vector Control even told me to kill then BBQ them. She didn't find that amusing at all. So I'm at a loss here.... Should I turn the paint gun on her????

Comments please......


Salute', TB.
Some areas it is illegal to trap native species, even if they are pests invading your home. I say keep up the paintballing and tell the misses that unless she wants coons in her cooter STFU. Not quite like that because I would probably get smacked, but you get the idea.
Hell, more than likely even shooting that paintball gun in the city limits is technically illegal. If they're in your attic, and your shooting won't deter them, I suggest calling Animal Control. It's not nearly as fun as poppin em in the ass with a paintball gun, but it's legal!
I am more interested in the role of the the shot spotter and how he goes about his/her job, any ideas?

And yeah most women i know are all "no don't hurt the animals", thats just them!
Nova, the shot spotter is actually some kinda technology that involves... um... some kinda thingy... anyways.. it can tell approximately where the gunshot went off, and the Po-Po can show up at your house and arrest you for discharging a gun in the city limits. I didn't know either, so I googled it, and it's actually a company that markets this stuff to cities and towns. Crazy. I can see where it would be a positive thing in big cities with lots of gun violence, but it's a little too "big brother" for my tastes. What happens on 4th of July when there are pops and booms goin off all over town? Would hate to be one of the poor donut holes on duty THAT night! :rofl:
What's wrong with a good old fashioned BB gun? Doesn't really hurt em', just stings. Give 'em a warning shot first...like in the butthole or the eye.

Salute', TB.
Novacastrian said:
I am more interested in the role of the the shot spotter and how he goes about his/her job, any ideas?

And yeah most women i know are all "no don't hurt the animals", thats just them!

Clean kills don't hurt.

Omri said:
What I don't get is, why use a paint ball gun? just use a gun.

:lol: What you don't understand is that the rest of us can't pack UZIs and M-16s everywhere and use them as we feel like it. I could just see scarpetti now:

"I knew that raccoon was a Hamas spy!" :lol::lol:

Seriously, discharge of a weapon is a serious offense where he lives and they WOULD lock you up!
Even when you're on duty here, you can't fire whenever you feel like it... with all that "right to bear arms", I thought you guys could.
Use your capsaisin and place pods in the attic and wait for the screams. They might associate you attic with the burn and have no interest in the area. Try to get it on video of the racoon eatting a pepper. Good luck.
If I shot a gun in my backyard I would be arrested in 2 minutes, but if I'm a thug on the street shooting I probably won't get caught.

Sickmont, I thought of trapping but there's a moma with her 4 kids. And hear that once you relocate them they have a tendency to find their way back home. I'll just stick with the paintball gun. I got one the other night. We have a part orange raccoon running around now!

The Shot Spotter works but usually when the cops finally get there they just find a dead body laying on the sidewalk and the shooters car has already sped off.
I am a woman, and I have no problem with you shooting the coons with your paintball gun. At least that way you know if you have repeat offenders.

Heck, when we had a squirrel in out attic, I told my H to get his BB-Gun or his dart gun to kill the thing. He ended up killing it with his crossbow pistol. I might have done it myself if I had better aim.

They're all cute & fuzzy when they're outside, but once they cross that line & get in the house... they're gone!

But to appease the wife, maybe you should ask her if she would prefer renting humane traps to the paintball gun. Or, try capsaisin tainted bait if you know what they're going after.