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seeds Is tobasco normally hard to germinate?

I put some seeds down a month ago, everything (annuum and chinense) has come up since then, but the tabasco wont. I planted another round 10 days ago, still nothing. Is this likely bad seed?
I've only grown it from seed a couple of times, but I don't remember it being especially slow to germinate.
possibly bad seed McGoo...I have not had a problem with them and they are usually up within 10 days...
I planted Red Habernero, Hungarian Hot Wax, Purple Jap, Sweet Banana and Tabasco on Jan. 6. The Bananas were up in nine days, the Habs and Japs in ten, the Tabs came up a day later and the Wax was the last of the bunch at 12 days.

Hmmm. I think I'll email chillibird.com and see what they have to say, they seem pretty helpful so far.