Looking to do an acre of chile production for chefs and salsa makers here in the Pacific Northwest. I wanted to see who you would recommend for mostly isolated varieties with good reliability. Thank you for your time in advanced.
Refining fire right?It's based on user posts on this website, so you can rest assured, it is solid advice.
Refining Fire is superhotchiles.comRefining fire right?
I'm going to have to disagree with the 'all' part of that statement. I have had more hybrid and off seeds from commercial vendors than I have had from OP trades with people I don't even know.. With Burpee being the worst. I was under the impression MOST big commercial sources open pollinated their crops, just growing them in large fields.If you're looking for more commercial varieties rather than superhots or specialty peppers, all the vegetable seed companies isolate their productions as well - Johnnys, Territorial, HMOS, Uprising, Adaptive, etc. Don't know if the specialty guys will have enough seed of any one variety to grow out an acre of it either.